
February, 2017

Best laid plans of mice and men

The plan was simple. Fly up north, spend time with the grand kids, then fly to Europe. What could possibly go wrong? 

The problem was that we have long had the curse of having one or both of us getting really sick right before, during or as soon as we leave those little petri dishes. This year was no exception. Hmmm...I wonder if there is a message there.

The day before we left, I came down with the creeping crud. I wore a face mask the whole day we flew (fellow passengers gave me a wide berth). Then after getting tested at the local walk in clinic in the town where we were staying in, I was told by the doctor "For God's sake, stay away from everyone, you have type A influenza". 

Janice was unscathed, but after flying 1000 miles, renting a car and a BnB for the duration, I spend the next 9 days in a self imposed quarantine, holed up in our room while Janice  helped Cassie and her kids. 

Half way through our visit we were supposed to switch up and drive north of Seattle to be with daughter Amy's family and her 5 kids at home, but on the news of "Typhoid Mary's" condition we were dis-invited. Our grandson Christopher had just undergone a serious surgery with an immune system that was compromised, and Amy is due with # 7 in April. The nurse immediately declared us persona-non-grata and nixed any idea of us visiting. Rats.

I, of course, had no intention of going anywhere near them  (I love hanging around hotel rooms) but the fear was that even though Janice was well, she might be carrying some of my nasty bugs as a result of our close proximity. Being a humble Republican, I would have been blamed for any Ebola outbreak.

We plan these trips a year ahead and it will be a year before we can do this again. We have declared this visit all but a bust for me, but Janice got in some much-loved Kayla, Ryan and new born Lindy time.

What I missed out on

The transition 

Well, the time came and off we went. 37 hours on the clock from door to door (including a 9-hour time zone change). After the usual 4-5-day re-alignment with our new time zone, we were back in our French groove. Some day when we get old, we may have to do this in two steps with a day or two stopover on the East coast before crossing the pond, but being spry and young, this is simply not an issue.

Project update

There ain't none. We have been here two weeks and are barely awake. After the usual restocking of the fridge and pantry, changing the oil in the car, I was in catch up mode with all the little honey do fix its.  There are no sexy show and tells when all you do is fix minor plumbing leaks, dig trenches to lay electrical wire to my mini workshop and lay a plumbing line for an additional garden faucet. Still, they are the infrastructure that make to cool stuff happen in the months to come.


Last month, I got some blow back from folks who thought I was a little harsh describing our home state of California as being the land of fruits and nuts and the lunatic fringe.

Well, I respectfully submit the following.

Chief Heather Fong (left), was the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police. Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, was former president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multi million-dollar sex toy retailer, and a transgender woman. Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right), a former female, is the first transgender male SFPD police officer and was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant. This makes mean HIM (!) the highest ranking transgender law enforcement officer in the country.

Our representative in Congress Nancy Pelosi, who 12 days in the president's term, was looking for ways to impeach president "Bush" (?). Isn't that special? Finally, Maxine Waters (our honorable Congresswoman) recently shared her concern about Russia invading South Korea, which was news to both countries. Cocaine and Botox diets have consequences.

A recent poll showed that 1/3 of the state residents favored making California a 'sanctuary state' and separating from the rest of the country.

Hey. I report, you decide.

 How cool is this!

Just before we pulled up stakes in California for the season, we had the good fortune to have Air BnB contact us, offering to have a professional photographer come by and do a 'photo shoot' of our home. (Air BnB is one of the web portals we use to rent our property while we are away) They did the same here in France last year and we ended up with the best pictures of those two properties we have to date, far better than any of Michael's instamatic specials :)

I have included a few of them here and if you have any interest in seeing the rest you can view the listing HERE. Just click on the VIEW PHOTOS tab on left side of the homepage photo.

Michael's reminder to Michael