
May, 2022


Last month I wrote that we visited a few Castles in the Loire valley on the way home from Brittany. (one being a World Heritage Site) As we were not home yet, we had the chance to visit more cool stuff. One of the places we found was the medieval town of  Mennetou Sur Cher. Founded in the year 600, it was visited 800 years later by Joan of Arc in 1429. That was 600 years ago. Many European friends would yawn at the news, thinking 'big deal, there are hundreds of these places'. True, but for us poor Americans this is a big deal and a key reason why we love to travel around Europe. Boys and girls, we are not in Kansas anymore.

Entry to Mennetou Sur Cher. 

Then, being as thirsty as all get out, we found an emergency hydration station at a local winery called Coeur Cherverny. Whatever. That is until we found that their variety of grapes was first introduced by King Francois the 1st in 1519 and soon took the name of Romorantin after the local castle. (Yea, another one) The winery is located in the Val de Loire, another UNESCO World Heritage Site and their variety cannot be found anywhere else.

1/4 mile long tulip garden at the castle

We stopped to visit a church on the road and saw this confessional. 

I offered to hear Janice's but she said there would not be enough time.....:(

Putting the finishing touches on a few home projects, we went to meet Mr. Cedric, beloved #12 grandchild. We first flew to Vienna, Austria, (a mere 350 miles from the Ukraine border) then took a puddle jumper to Nuremburg, Germany. Once again, Janice was pulled over by security personnel for triggering the bomb detection equipment at the airport. Following a thorough search of herself and all luggage, the supervisor completing the report asked me (in French) if she had been in contact with any chemicals. "Like fertilizer in the garden this morning" I asked? We agreed that next time I should take an earlier flight and meet her at our destination.

We then drove to near Munich to see the family. This required taking the autobahn where there is no speed limit. No self respecting California boy would drive it and not put the pedal to the metal, just for kicks. Frustrated that the rental car refused to go any faster than 191 KPH (119MPH) I found myself having to get out of the fast lane to let Porches and Maserati's fly by me.

The whole point of the trip

Children are often quick in sharing their opinions about how you could have better raised them. That was why the old expression was born "The best revenge is when your children have children ". We expected that when Mandy would have her firstborn, the light would go on and the realisation of the difference between theory and practice would reveal itself. The thing is that while it is still very early days we were gobsmacked at how 'together' they were in dealing with this new addition to the household. They have all the makings of absolutely great parents who have their act together. Still, Mandy has told us that regardless of whatever he might eventually do, they will always insist that he is the best boy who never does anything wrong. She will never allow us to gloat....

I was talking to Mandy and mentioned that it seems that as time goes on, we are surrounded by old farts. She immediately responded "I know exactly what you mean". Am I being over sensitive or did I detect a slight disrespectful tone? 

                 ( on the beach)


Our season here has been shorter than usual but we were not about to leave without an afternoon at one of our favorite spots. We have no idea what the place is actually called but we have dubbed it "Beer on the beach". For obvious reasons. There are dozens and dozens of these place all along our coastline, but for some unknown reason this one calls out to us.

Carriere de Lumiere  

(Quarry light show)

This the 3rd time we have gone to see this in as many years because it is just so freeking spectacular.  Kinda hard to describe, it is an art display projected in an immense underground quarry. 'Rooms' of various heights up to 60 feet (20M) and sizes, have this colorful art displayed on all walls, ceilings and floors in the otherwise dark quarry. Set to music, this moving display is not only mesmerising but quite disorienting as you want to avoid 'walking' on it as all your senses are immersed in the experience.

This year it was themed "Venice" with an artist named "Klein".


Having little to do in my spare time, I whipped up a towel rack for our new spa before we are set to leave. I really wish I could take credit for original designs, but as usual, I try my hand at reasonable facsimiles. This is the best a guy with a rusty hammer could do.

As seen on a local French restaurant menu

Translation: "We have Wi-Fi.

No need to talk to the people  you are eating with"