
November, 2010

California dreaming...
Avila Beach
, minutes from our home.

This, that and whatever.

Jessica and Naeem

Well, it’s a done deal and we have moved on. Shortly after a late fall visit by our niece Jessica and her guy Naeem, the cabin, plane, car and boats were tucked in for the winter and this season on the river was over.

Efficient storage. Plane suspended with boat below

Having finished a 7 month stint on the Island, we were anxious to get back to the West Coast and see many of the kids and grand kids as we were unable to last spring when Janice received her diagnosis. They are all growing like weeds, as kids do at those ages, but a year is a long time in their short lives.

Dawn view from Honey Bee

Speaking of my bride, she is now on a 21 day schedule for her infusion treatments until we return to the Island in June. This schedule determined how little time we could see the kids and friends as she is due for her next treatment in France on the 25th of this month. It will also determine our travel plans in Europe this winter as everything we do revolves around those infernal 21 day dates. Still, we have nothing to complain about.

On the road again....

This ‘travel the world’ gig has been absolutely marvelous but I am missing home so much I feel like I am going through D.T.’s. With the last kidlet soon to be launched, we will start to build a financial war chest of sorts for the next 12-18 months, to do extensive maintenance and re-modeling upon our return to our home here. Going forward, that will put us on a 4 month schedule between California, France and the Island in Canada.

End of season river run with Ian

Speaking of the Island, I try to share some of the beauty of the Thousand Islands every month with a photo from our friend Ian Coristine's collection. ©Ian Coristine/ This month I came across an unauthorized, uncredited collage of some of his pics that are definitely worth a look see if you are at all interested in seeing our neighborhood.

Challenger II

The plane? Oh, it's fine. Thank you for asking. This month I finished covering the fuselage and priming it. It's now ready for paint. I am now trying to track down an instructor and will begin lessons upon our return in June.

Fabric gets glued on then 'shrunk' with an iron.

Once shrunk it is tight and with primer the shape takes form.

This is the last time you will hear about this subject for the next 7 months.

Hey, I heard that. ("Thank god!")

The transition

Our first stop was in Seattle Washington, where we rented a car and drove to Rainier Oregon to see daughter Cassie with her little ones Kayla and Marilyn. Along with my customary DTDLOC (Daddy to-do list of chores), I helped Marilyn figure out a magic set she had been given. The last time this happened, my son Wesley was 7 years old and I ended up with a 25 foot trailer, 2 1/2 tons of equipment, a cast and crew of 7 and an evening stage show.

While Janice filled her customary role of cooking and living in the laundry room, we still managed to read stories, play choo-choo and spend a lot of fun time with the family.

After several days, we caravaned up to The San Juan Islands to arrive on daughter Amy and Vance's doorstep. With a family of 7 of their own, what's 5 more of us?

Most of the crew.

Getting them ALL together is like trying to corral cats!

We are currently in sunny California and I can think of no better place to call home. I know I have written before about our lovely state and you might be inclined to think "there he goes again..." It is unarguable that our state finances are a colossal mess and you know about our unenviable political situation. In spite of being surrounded by fruits and nuts --most of them in our state capital-- (think Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters), where else can you be taxed to oblivion to support millions of moochers and looters and be administered by someone known the world over as governor 'Moonbeam'? Still, the place is incredibly special. Like having a dysfunctional family, they maybe weird, but they are yours.

A flash from the past. Patrolling the streets of San Luis Obispo

Now that we have our dirty laundry out of the way, you should know that every year for the past several decades, the Harris poll asks people what state would they would rather live in, if they could uproot and move. For the past 7 years in a row, California ranked # 1 and has never been out of the top 3. Then again, a book written evaluating the top 430 metropolitan areas in the nation ranked San Luis Obispo # 3. Finally, the just released book 'Thrive' ranked the 44,000 residents # 1 in the nation in overall emotional health.

We are not feeling we have made a mistake.