
The Epistle, July 2021


I built another house this month. A moose house. We had a tree stump by our back deck that I had cut years ago that we didn't quite know what to do with until we saw one similar in our summer travels 2 years ago. I regret not being imaginative enough to think of doing this in the first place but at least I am able to see something and when I do, it is as good as ours as soon as I can get home. With a birch bark roof and proper landscaping, our moose is perfectly at home.

A friend in need...

It was time to get down and dirty. Some friends of ours were having major problems with the foundation on their house, with water pouring in when it rained. They got bids to have the work done and they were astronomical. So her brother offered to step in and organize the work. With a few more volunteers, we set out to make things right in 3 week ends.

My role was simple. Just like at home, to do what I was told. The task was to dig the perimeter of the house to the foundation (roughly 5-6 feet) [1.5-2M], power wash the cement wall, paint an adhesive on the wall, stick a waterproof membrane on it and cover the whole shebang with a plastic foundation wrap. This was followed by refilling the WW war II styled trench and drinking beer.

Other little updates:

The boss, cleaning her new island.

We have busy cleaning up our holdings (   :)    ) with double burn bins dispatching all manners of dead trees, fallen branches and assorted eye sores. We have plans to make them more attractive and adding value before putting them up for sale to offset the cost of the island we wanted in the first place. I had a friend jokingly refer to them as our 'archipelago'. We expect (hope) to this being short lived.

Example only, not our actual choice.

Other than that we have been seriously researching the purchase of a new boat. It would not be delivered until next June but the cost for us poor Americans is jaw dropping. There are simply none available used within a reasonable distance that come close to what we want, so as opposed as we are to buying new, it's that or settling for something at close to the same price.  Maybe I should start a 'go-fund-me'.