
November, 2020


A two 'fer

Announcing a kid's engagement is always a big event in any parent's life but TWO at the same time? YIKES!! # 1 son Wesley recently popped the question to his intended Amanda and while we were visiting them in Idaho last month they showed us the outdoor venue they are interested in using for the event.

Then again, Cassie's guy Art took her over the moon by suggesting they tie the knot too. We now find ourselves pacing around the house humming "Here comes the bride".

After our visit with Wes and Amanda, we drove to Anacortes Washington to catch up with Amy's family and the 6 remaining kids at home ranging in ages from 18 months to 16 years. A Chinese fire drill comes to mind.

Building a rocket with my brain trust and fellow scientists

And we have lift off!

The full 36 second flight can be seen here

Then it was off to our home for the coming season. We arrived to our usual 2 weeks of yearly maintenance, touch up painting, mowing 3 acres, washing all windows, shampooing sofas and carpets, fence repair, deep cleaning the entire house, yada, yada, yada. Now we are ready to start this years ambitious projects before our projected March 1st departure for France. We have our tickets, so now we will get to see if they allow us to come.

Meanwhile, we are heading for another lock down of sorts in California but we still managed to get a few visits in with my favorite mother in law.


Last month I wrote that if President Trump won I would not gloat. As it turns out, baring an intervention by the Lord himself, soon to be President elect Biden will lead us for the foreseeable future. My mother always taught me that if I had nothing nice to say then I should bite my tongue and say nothing at all, so I will follow her advice.

(biting tongue here)

If you voted for soon to be President elect Biden, I congratulate you on your political win. I hope you are happy, my tongue is now a bloody mess.

The Crash explained

After my recent plane crash there was a flurry of obvious questions. Like what the hell happened, for starters? Why did the engine quit - twice? Close examination recently revealed the not so obvious culprit. The plane referred to in the following report was mine.

....and the rest is history.