
April, 2024


Visiting the village of Mougins. Do you see the resemblance between Pablo Picasso and I?
No, I don't mean the wrinkly skin, I mean the brilliance :)
He passed there.

What we love about our season here

Strolling through a medieval village a few miles from our home

Feeling slightly kinky?

This restaurant might be for you.

(Le Petit Fouet)

"The little whip"

The project 

(The latest news)

OK, so we got the pool shot.
This is projected concrete on the 'submerged beach'

Are we getting ahead of ourselves? 
Not quite ready to slip on a swimsuit.

Here you see the outer wall going up

I had a little spare time so Janice had me build a firepit off of a small patio facing the pool.

Meanwhile, we had boaters hangout 
in the bay below our terrace

We never turn down an invitation to dine with friends or to take a day off. We invited friends Soizik (don't look at me, I didn't come up with that name!) husband Michael and father Barh, our parish priests to join us for lunch.

March 2024


We were picking up a few odds and ends to start landscaping our new property addition. This looked nice but at $27,000 it was out of our league. Besides, it wouldn't fit on the roof rack.

This is a great shot of our beach below our garden. Our place is literally just on the right side of the frame in this picture. Full disclosure: It is not actually a picture but a picture of a wallposter in our little town as you can see below. The buoys are for the water taxis to shuttle you to the restaurant once you anchor your boat (yacht) further out.

On an adjacent wall in town, is a wallposter of our headland and other beaches we can walk to. Our place is marked by the little black arrow on the top right. As our son would so eloquently remark "This place does not suck".

We have new neighbors who recently moved into our 'wider' neighborhood. George Clooney and his family. They join the likes of Brigitte Bardot, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (They recently sold their vineyard), Johnny Depp, Bono, Elton John, Tina Turner (until her passing) Kate Moss and on and on and on. Even Sylvester Stallone likes to sail here in the bay of St Tropez.

How I spend my days


And cooking

The project

It would be a stretch to say they are going at it like gangbusters. Patience may be a virtue, but I have never been accused of being virtuous. They got off to a great start, then disappeared for several weeks, only to return and get going again. They built a large part of the first of 3 walls that will enclose the property but had to leave sizable openings in it to allow heavy equipment in and concrete deliveries to be made.

The small patio where I will build a fire pit overlooking the pool below.

The beginning of the pool outlines that will have a projected concrete layer sprayed on it.

They are well aware of our drop dead "we are leaving' date and that any work that is not completed will come to a full stop (as well as payments) until our return in 8 months. They are motivated to meet the deadline.


For the past several years we have been happy to offer our villa for a week stay to a charitable group called Sarah's Guest House near our island in New York State. It is kind of a Ronald McDonalds house for grownups for family staying nearby with family in the hospital for catastrophic injuries or surgeries. Each year, they have an auction fundraiser with the usual restaurant meals donations, golf rounds and fruit baskets being auctioned off to raise money. 

The villa is a biggie, and it raised several thousand dollars for them. Shortly before we left California this year, we became aware of another group called 'Captive Hearts'. They deal with women who have been victimized with domestic violence, sexual or drug issues. They take them in, offering shelter, counseling, and work skills. Pretty basic stuff. We offered the villa for a week for their yearly auction, and they got a top bid of $9,500. WOW! We wish we could rent it for that. 

The second bid was for $9000. Hmmm, then I got an idea...
What if we offered the winner $500 back to match the second bidder so they would be identical. Then we offered them a week's stay also. No one would feel slighted and we could double the donation to Captive Hearts. Everyone agreed as it was for a charity that they were supporting in the first place, and the total take was $18,000. Nice!!!

And finally...

I like to end each month with a little humor. This month is different. I want to end with a You Tube link to a video showing an event that occurred during a wedding. It is the most moving thing I have ever seen at a wedding. It was a surprise to not only the bride and groom but to most people in attendance. It is worth a look below.


February 2024


Wrapping up projects in California

After plugging a leak in the hot tub, new steps were in the making.

Next was...

The kitchen window: out with the old...

In with the new

OK, so we got the must do's done and we were ready to leave for France...

Then, it happened. 

I was minding my own business, taking a relaxing in a 2 person Jacuzzi tub in our master bathroom, working out the kinks in some sore muscles, when I noticed water on the floor. Hmmm.... no water had splashed over the tub but wait! ...There was water on the floor of the bedroom also....and in the laundry room on the other side of the wall!!! What the $*&^#@ was going on??? I could not determine the source of the leak but Houston,.. we have a problem!!!


We were 5 days away from catching our flight to France, renting clients arriving in a few weeks and me having time to deal with this like I have a hole in my head. Still, we decide that clearly this project that we had planned for next year (removing the Jacuzzi tub and turning the area into a walk-in shower) was now an EMERGENCY and had to be pushed up to NOW!

So, with 5 days to 'we are outa-here', we tore out the tub and gutted the bathroom area and prepared it for a total remodel. Janice was in 7th heaven. Then, when we left,  the final touches were in the hands of our friend and former renter Johnny, who is a tile guy by profession to wrap it up. The irony is that we will not see the finished product until our return in 8 months.

       The start of a relaxing season in France


This is the property we finally bought next door to ours. No, not terribly large but it does add a 3rd ocean front lot to our property. Just big enough to add a pool and a phenomenal increase in value to what we have. When we are pushing up daisies, the kids will thank us. Besides, while it is hardly the point, most villas here have a pool and not having one is not just a downgrade of sorts but puts you in the Jed Clampet category.

How we started

And so it begins...

The next step was to dig a hole big emough to put a house in. As of this writing, this is as far as we gotten.

A mere 12 hours after our arrival, the grading got started after 12 trees had been cut and the stumps removed prior to our arrival. Next came the rock wall and the pool location traced, and the hole dug.

Moving a tiny pot

 The Abbey of Le Barroux 

The monastery of Le Barroux is a taditionalist Benedictine abbey located about 3 hours away from us. We first stumbled on it several years ago quite by accident and we were so impressed that this was the 3rd time we have returned. To hear the monks sing in Gregorian Latin chant is like listening to the angels. It is incredibly moving. The first time we entered the chapel the black robed, hooded monks walked in and sat in the dark church.See the Epistle 
It was so eerie. At first, I thought we might have stumbled on some kind of demonic offering. Could they be getting ready for a ritualistic sacrifice? Offering a virgin to the gods?


No, these monks live, eat, work for the sole purpose to pray and worship. They get up for first prayer at 3:15 a.m. and meet 7 times during the day until bedtime at 8 p.m. to pray. They are self supporting with the sale of bread that they bake, and olive oil from the olive trees that they grow and press, but are solely focused on the next prayer time. They make the Muslims look like amateurs. It is for us, for all of us, that they pray.

Now, some unrelated stuff

A view of the snowcapped French Alps from our terrace today.

A French baguette. The absolute best bread in the world. I could eat these all day long. Well, actually, I do. The price ain't bad either.

The infernal subject of taxes

As long as we are on that, we might as well talk about that other unavoidable one. Death. I was reminded the other day that by the actuarial tables, I have about a year and a half to live. Really? I am not amused. Do I look like I am dying? We had better hurry to get this pool finished so I get at least one swim in. I may have to bump off some younger guys to get the averages up. I sure hope the grim reaper does his work alphabeticaly or that at the very least, he got the memo that I am bullet proof.

Every year at this time, I spend at least 3 days working on preparing our taxes. (I am now on my 4th) It is at least as bad as going to the dentist. The fact that I have to deal with 3 homes in 3 countries on two continents doesn't make matters easier. I know that you feel my pain, but seriously, I know this is our own doing, but I have to whine to someone! I say that I must prepare our taxes because our accountant takes all the numbers I provide and fills out the forms. Way above my pay grade... I had a friend who would hand his accountant a shoe box full of receipts and let him figure it out. I can now see why.

Last year's tax forms came in to over 100 pages. They call it 'tax simplification'. And I am just a little guy who is all but broke. We recently had a tax lawyer look at what we were doing and he marveled at how much of our laughably paltry income we manage to shelter (legally) and our ability to write off with our rentals (legally). He immediately spotted just how allergic we are to paying taxes (legally). Did I mention that I what I do is aggressive as all get out but legal? I rest well knowing that, if need be, I am prepared to face an audit at any time. Over the years, I have been audited only twice and came out smelling like a rose each time. I think they have just given up on me.

Yet another public education success!

January, 2024

The before we leave projects

Last season we had a real issue with our cedar hot tub here in California when we were in Europe and at the island. It developed a massive leak and we had to shut it down. Clients (guests) we had staying with us were furious and we had to compensate them for the inconvenience. Not cheap. So, when we got back, it was high on our priority list to fix the problem.

I didn't think it would be a big deal and I set off with my 'Michael's clever solutions' to the problem. When the first one did not work, I upped the anti and went to the second. When it failed, I got serious and went all the way to the third. It too was a dismal failure. I resigned myself to facing the fact that I would have to tear it out and replace it with a smaller fiberglass model. I cut out all the plumbing and was about 10 minutes away from taking a sledgehammer to the tub itself when Janice came across a YouTube video of a guy who fiber glassed everything from fish ponds to swimming pools.

Again, my lame attempt at fiber glassing had been a disaster, but I could see why it had failed. I was encouraged that I could save this sucker and have what I wanted at 1/6 if the cost of replacing it with what I did not really want. I had already spent an ungodly amount of time and effort on this already, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I spent a lot of time not only re-doing all the plumbing and sealing the interior but making a much more attractive set of stairs to get in and refinishing the exterior. Finally, I am just days away from adding water (no leaks!!!), turn on the heater and ...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Next on the last-minute projects agenda was replacing a window in the kitchen to complete the kitchen remodel. It had been ordered as soon as we landed and was promised to be delivered in early December. HA! Fat chance. It arrived days ago, and I am scrambling to get it in before we leave. Is it just me, or is this the story of my life? What happened to retiring with a rocking chair?

The plan is to at least take one day this week to drive up the beautiful coast to the town of Carmel-by-the-Sea (quintessential California) to visit the art shops and have lunch at the 'Hogs Breath Inn', which was owned by Clint Eastwood until recently. Few people know that Clint was the mayor of Carmel fom 1986 to 1988, earning $200. / month while in the middle of his film career. He was elected with 72% of the vote.

We are two weeks away from pulling up stakes and hopping over the pond where our next project awaits. We had a dozen large trees cut and stumps pulled on our new property and will get busy getting the contractor set up to start work on the pool. We know that we both work very hard for the things we have, but we never kid ourselves in not knowing that we are blessed beyond words and that ultimately have much more than we deserve.

See what's new?

No, not the door silly, the door MAT!

News you can't use

The Epistle. We report, you decide.