
December 2017


While the fires in California may no longer be big news in your part of the country, they sure are here. We are still in no imminent danger as the fires are 70 miles (120km) away but we have grey sky's and ash covers our deck everyday. If I had my plane here, I could go up and throw water bottles at it. Every bit helps, no?

As we go to press, there have been over a 1000 homes destroyed, it has burned over 400 SQ miles (1000 km) and is now the 4th largest fire in the states history. And it's growing... After 10 days, it is 30% contained. It's weird seeing people walk around with face masks to avoid breathing the smoke.

Show and tell...soon.

As I have mentioned once or twice, I am not found of blabbing about stuff that is not finished and such is the case this month. We are very close to finishing a number of projects that have been in the works for some time, but the key words are 'very close' and 'not finished'. So, we will have less to share this month. 

Otherwise, the big news is that I went in for my second shot in the eye for the Macular Degeneration thing, (to make me feel better my aunt wrote that she always knew I was a degenerate) and I was told that I was among the very few who responded so well to the treatment that my vision had actually improved from the first treatment. Not that is was bad before, but...

Furthermore,the doctor expected that I might regain all I had lost after the next shot. Very good news and should be a big help with my astronaut application with NASA.

The hits kept on coming though, when I was diagnosed as having possible borderline Hypertension  (I beat that in a hurry) and blood work for potential diabetes. Crap, it was like I was turning into an old woman circling the drain or something. I was put on an exciting diet of no beer** (4 months without left me seriously dehydrated) no rice, no candy and no bread. In the end, the test numbers  for diabetes were not what I had hoped for.

It is becoming more difficult to make a convincing argument that I am bulletproof. So, if you have been meaning to tell me how much you love me, now might be a good time. The end could be near. 

** " With wine, there is wisdom.
       With beer, there is freedom.
       With water, there is... eh.........bacteria"

A winter wonderland
California style


I heard this month that only 30% of third grade students in California are reading proficiently at grade level. This apparently makes them 4 times as likely to eventually become high school dropouts. We are not proud of that.

So, you would think that escaping to Canada in the summer would provide a reprieve of sorts. That was until it was reported that  the Durham school district [in Ontario where we hide out], now provides their elementary school teachers with (take a deeeeeep breath here) LGGBDTTTQQAAPP inclusiveness training. Never mind that being self-pollinating isn't listed (should I feel excluded?) but it is one more reason the island is only 30 feet (10m) from the border, should a quick escape to the land of the free and home of the brave prove to be necessary.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.