
September 2018

The month in review

OK, so when I was not busy crashing my plane last month, I got a little help from a friend to put up some Adirondack siding we had been planning to do for some time. I stripped the old wood shake, added some softening to finish the roof line a bit and after Janice coated the live edge wood with a sealer/ stain, put the suckers up.



Sure lightens the look up some, but  now I need to re-do the deck..... Is there no end to this?

What a difference a month makes

30 days ago, I wrote of my stupidity in flipping my plane on the water during takeoff. 30 days later It is back in the air, better than ever. There was some damage for sure, but like many things that go awry, with enough time, work and MONEY, it all gets better:)

This was due in no small part to endless over the top patience and undeserved understanding on Janice's part as well as having Art, Mike and Brad spend long hours allowing me to help them put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

After the wing was repaired, it was recovered.

Speaking of Humpty Dumpty, I know that a number of you feel that it is sheer stupidity to carry on with such a passion but for those of us bitten by the bug, well, my flying buddies expressed their thoughts by surprising me with a new decal on the side of my plane.

It is time for a last flight to put my baby to sleep for the winter and head to warmer climes....

Meanwhile, we spent our last days trying to see river friends one last time before our departure shortly. We have had dinners, BBQ's, been invited to events and gatherings and did our best to have friends plan visits to either France or California.